Friday, December 19, 2008


we're outside.

It's fall but the leaves on the trees haven't fallen yet.  It's dim but not dark out.
There are giant earthworms outside, 4 feet long, 7 inches in diameter.
They are very quick and darting everywhere.
There are also black panthers and jaguars that prevent us from running.

Katie is leaving.  There's a train running through the clearing, she's supposed to leave on the next one.  Jeremy from the harley shop was given a day of freedom and is nearby, in my room, with a black man.

I have a lot of brown eyeshadow on and I put more on, then take it off.  While I'm inside, Katie's train arrives.  She gets into the very front part of the train, the engine I think.  she hasn't said goodbye to me.

I try to get there but suddenly the train is gone and heading through the trees.  I run after it.  an earthworm hooks itself onto my lip.  I throw it off and start running again.  a panther attacks me, knocking me to the ground.  I let it take my coat and it leaves me alone.

I walk back to my room.  It feels like the renaissance outside and there are tables full of food, banquets, feasts.

I walk into my room.  Jared is talking to the black man and is telling him that he should keep his mouth shut because whatever he is saying is disgusting and that no one wants to hear it.

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