Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm in the woods in a house.
It's kind of like a cabin, there's never anyone there.

I took shawn with me, we took some pictures of ourselves on the couch.

Later I came back and a man was living there.  robert was there with his camera.  It was an SLR but for some reason it took medium format film.  Somehow our pictures were on his film.  He gave them to me.

I met the man who lived in the house.  He was nice and said I could hang out whenever I wanted.

I left.

I went to colin's house.  He had a lot of baby animals in a back room.  He was taking care of kittens, birds (ducks and swans), and ferrets. The ferrets were lying on the couch.

I walk over to the window.  There's a table in front of it with lots of framed pictures on it.
A little girl is standing there also.  I start to talk to her but when she starts talking she becomes a little demon, her face contorted.

She won't stop pulling my arm and saying crazy shit.

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